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Shopping for the post-holiday deals? Think of these nine points before buying winter workout gear. move

At this time of year, many of us are browsing online or in stores to find those post-holiday deals. If you intend to buy exercise gear, there are some things that you may want to consider before...

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Six ways to stay motivated to exercise in the new year. lift move

As the days get shorter and the holidays are now almost in full swing, I understand how hard it is to get motivated to exercise. It’s likely, however, that in January, many women will find...

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Nine ways to change your relationship with time for exercise. move

My mother used to say, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Nothing could be more accurate than for those trying to exercise regularly. All of us can put exercise on the...

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This week's Facebook Live: How to start an exercise program when nothing has worked in the past move

This week I covered part one of a three-part Facebook Live series on starting and maintaining exercise during the holiday season. In this video, I talk about the small changes that you can make to...

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Why is yoga is such a popular choice for the ageing body? be lift move

Yoga is by far the most popular exercise program used by Age Sisters around the world. Many women tell me that, as they get older, yoga seems to work for their bodies and lifestyles. Why does this...

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What you should know about osteoporosis and exercise.

I always tell my students that if you think of maintaining bone mass like using a bank, you are making more deposits than withdrawals when you are young. You build your savings to the highest...

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