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Age Sister Blog

10 micro-changes to kick-start a healthier you balance be connect eat lift move

“Design your life to minimize your reliance on willpower ”   

B.J. Fogg, Behavior Scientist, Stanford University

This is it. This is the year you will become more...

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How to stop feeling invisible, once and for all be move

Not all cultures prize youth and physical perfection in the same way as the West. For example, in Japan, the aesthetic of wabi-sabi places a higher value on age and imperfection than it does on...

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Why weight gain in menopause is not your fault. eat lift move

Ever feel alone in the weird changes that seem have overtaken your body now that you’re over 50? You may be comforted to know that another 6000 women a day are starting the journey of...

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Are your eating habits a mess? Here’s 7 easy ways to fix them. eat move

“In one experiment, he showed the words “chocolate cake” to a group of Americans and recorded their word associations. “Guilt” was the top response. If that...

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Why the other 23 and a half hours of your day could have a huge impact on your weight eat lift move

“Physical inactivity in my view, is the biggest health problem of the 21st century…We have been engineering movement and energy expenditure out of our everyday life.”Dr....

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